Hey there!

Check the text below for more information!


Click, hold and move the mouse over the Cat in the middle (Manny) to gain Karma. 


1 - 4: Open correspondent Prestige window

Left Arrow & A: Change to lower Game Stage

Right Arrow & D: Change to higher Game Stage

B: Open current Shop

C: Open Currency Menu

ESC: Close all Menus

About this game:

This is a project which my wife and I have started back in August 2022. Due to personal matters we had to put it on hold for a few months. But now, we're back with improvements including optimization, more artwork, ideas for future updates and so on.

We're also happy to announce that the game has been published on the Google Play Store and is available for free. Because of new regulations, it requires Android 13.

I want to thank everybody who was involved in this project, all my friends, who have tested this game, and hope that everyone will have fun with it as much as we did developing this. 

Of course this is not a finished game, but we wanted to get even more feedback from people like you, which is why it is in Open Beta now. 

What I really want is to make people happy. Maybe this game will put a smile on your face, maybe you'll be bored after a few minutes, I cannot know, but I would like to know.

If anything, make sure to stay healthy, both physically and mentally. I've struggled in the past few months and still haven't really recovered. This project and my family are all that keep me afloat and I know there are many people who feel the same. So don't be afraid to reach out, you will eventually find help out there. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Have fun and stay healthy!

Updated 19 days ago
StatusIn development
Rated 3.6 out of 5 stars
(8 total ratings)
AuthorAimless Studios
Made withUnity
TagsCats, Creepy, Cute, Idle, Incremental, Mystery, No AI

Also available on

Development log

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So, does the Meowruto RPG no longer work or something?  Whenever I try to click it and it asks if I want to open it, it doesn't open and then I can't open that nor WoF until I refresh the whole page.

Hey there, it's possible the scene won't properly load. I'll need to check it out when I can.


Got it.  I know it is a small minigame and you have a lot on your plate, so take your time.


Well now, I guess the update won't work for me now, lol.  I know, I know, I seem to keep finding things that break the game, or in this case, break the loading screen.  Not sure if this is something when you updated it or if Java decided they don't like me anymore, lol.

Oops, seems like I've uploaded the wrong version on itch. Since the game is available on Android via the Play Store and 3 websites (maybe 4 soon), I need to make builds for each one because of some special dependencies like SDKs and other plugins.

I've uploaded the right one now, thanks for pointing it out :)


Ah, no problem.  I thought my computer just didn't like Java anymore, heheh.


Hey, in Jimmy's minigame, I just noticed that the colors for clear board and extra spins got mixed around.  It is showing gray as clear board and pink for extra spin.

Hey there,

thanks for pointing this out.

The colors are the intended ones, but I seem to have mixed around what areas to check for and swapped them both by mistake :D

Now it's fixed and the update will be out soon :) 


So, another thing I noticed, and this one is kind of a funny thing, is that if you get a gift and had your building buying on anything other than "Buy 1" it will not let you buy a building even if you have enough to 11 buildings.  You have to click it to go back to "Buy 1".

Also, I'm on the third trial where you can't buy any gift purchases, and I have 30 gifts, but blessings isn't popping up.  Is it a higher amount I need for the third trial or is it suppose to still be every 27 gifts you get a blessing?

Thanks for reporting this bug, I'll check it out.

About Trial 3: the problem is that, in order to unlock Blessings, one needs to have ascended at least 3 times and have collected at least 27 Gifts. Now usually when you start Trials, you've already surpassed this number but due to an error in the code (a mistake on my end) the number of Ascensions is reset to zero, meaning you would need to ascend 3 times before getting a Blessing in Trial 3.

This is the only "workaround" at the moment.

I've fixed the bug but haven't been able to update the game yet as I'm still implementing some more stuff for the next patch.

Thank you for your patience and reporting any glitches you come across :)


You're welcome.  Btw, I was able to get after saving the game and reloading the page.  Once I got back to the trial it instantly worked and I completed it.  I remember playing this game back on kongregate and was glad to see it on here more refined.

I'm glad you finished the Trial and thanks for the kind words :)

Btw. you can still play on Kongregate, there is no difference in version.

The game is also hosted on CrazyGames where you can watch ads to gain bonuses, if you're into that kind of thing lol.

It's even out on mobile for Android devices. 

In any case, I hope I'll get the next update out by the end of January.

I can't seem to reproduce the bug. Can you give me a step-by-step instruction on how to do it? :D

What I did was to ascend while having "Build 5", "Build 10" or "OCD Build" chosen and making sure I have enough Gifts, either before or after Ascension. Both times did not result in what you've described, I was able to build according to my current number of Gifts.


Sorry, didn't see your reply until now.  It happens after I get a blessing and then get enough for a gift.  It is a bit of a weird one, but isn't really game breaking.

Oh, I think I understand now. You're trying to get a Building from the Shop after doing a Blessing reset.

Let's say you want the Training Hall for example. It displays 1 Gift as a price, but depending on what you've selected on the "Multi Build Button", the price is a different one.

If that's the problem I've got the solution :)


Yeah.  Like I said, it isn't game breaking or anything and is an easy fix on the user's end by just changing the buy amount back to "Buy 1".


Not real sure, but once in a while it will tell me "Favors until next gift: 0" or it will go into a negative number for about 10 more favors.

Hey there,  thanks for the feedback!

Can you send me your save file so I can check out your current progress? Maybe it has something to do with certain upgrades like the "Coupon".

If you want, you can send it via email or Discord :)


I can send it via email.  Where do I find your email address?

I've updated my profile to also include my email address, but I'll send it here as well so you don't have to look it up: aimless_studios@outlook.com

(2 edits) (+2)

I'm curious as to how well other players are doing. I played the game long ago then stopped. I started again 6 weeks ago.

(3 edits) (+1)

um... i don't know what happened... all i did was upgrade punch through. might have something to do with the fact that it's been grinding exp for weeks except the level cap existed or something like that, idk.


I have reported this. MRPG is full of bugs at the moment. If you assign all the skills and points then go back to the main game and back to MRPG, your HP will be back to normal. 

For me, I don't gain XP at all at the moment, but that may be due to being a considerably higher level than you. It's worth checking if you are gaining XP at the moment. If you aren't, there's obviously no reason to play MRPG until the bugs are fixed.

(3 edits) (+1)

i am in fact gaining xp. and right before i saw your reply to my comment i did go out of and back into the rpg which did fix my health (and decreased my dps a bit, i think it got increased when my health did that.)

edit: i thought i was gaining xp. i'm not. i think i was gaining it when my health was bugged but stopped as soon as i fixed it.


Hey there, I admit the update was kinda rushed and there's still more stuff to do and a lot to fix. About the XP: you should still gain XP, but the XP needed to level up has been increased, so it will take longer to reach higher levels. But don't worry, when I add more stages, enemies and all that and tweak the XP gain, it will all be fine again :)


Some achievements seem to be massively delayed. I just got the achievement for 1e4 favors and I already have 1e5. I got the achievement for 1e5 like 15 minutes later...


Hey there, it probably has to do with the (still faulty) scientific notation. It says "1e4" but that's a rounding error. The achievements requires 99999 Favors, which is 9.9e4. I'll get the scientific notation fixed soon enough, I hope :D


I recieved that "you've trained 99 times" message and I can't see the code I need to put into the misc menu. It was there in the initial pop up, though it was too long to remember because I accidently tapped, it's not in that whispering winds|Secret tabs

I've doing this on android. Thanks

Hey there!

If it's not there, check the achievement that's tied to it. It's the 3rd secret achievement called "Training Addict". I hope this helps :)


Started up my computer today after work, this is the message I get when I try to load a save file, is there anything I can do to remedy this?:

An error occurred running the Unity content on this page. See your browser JavaScript console for more info. The error was:

RuntimeError: indirect call to null























I wasn't able to reproduce this issue.

Can you tell me a little more about your save file, like your progress, how much Karma you have, upgrades, etc.?

I'll try to find a solution ASAP!


I had received a blessing and prestiged back, had been collecting favors and spent probably 5 gifts, and had a few gifts I could prestige for. Past that, I don't remember much else. I had a meowruto training place. Didn't do the rpg.


Does the issue still persist?

I've changed a line of code, hoping it would solve the problem .

If your game still can't be run, let me know. Maybe I can fix it somehow.


It loaded up, I was able to see the center cat, but none of my cats on either side were showing up, and weren't available to purchase. I went to claim my favors, and it did the same error. However, I reloaded and it was working as intended again. Thanks, I'll let you know if any other issues arise

I'm glad it works now. There seems to have been a problem when loading content which is not in use as of right now.

Good news!

I know what had caused this problem and was able to fix it, meaning this kind of error shouldn't occur in the future.


I'm not sure how many ppl got Favor Automation but it seems to be a bit buggy. Obtaining favor from automation does not decrease requirements, which soon leads to stuck due too high requirements. If i'm lucky i can get blessings to reset requirements. Manual favors is much more reliable. 

Hello and thank you for your feedback!

It works as intended, but you are correct, it would make more sense to do an automatic Favor prestige instead of just collecting Favors.

This way you can grind more Favors. I haven't thought of that to be honest.

I think I'll build in the option to either collect Favors or go for an automatic Favor prestige. Thanks for the idea!


Maybe allow to set level of favors for autoprestige. That could be very handy :)

Yes, that's exactly what I've been working on :D

I'll have the game updated by tomorrow with this and other changes.


Lol. I've locked my game due feature i requested :P

I've set to reset on 100 favors. And now game resets so fast i'm unable to open any menu, and even i cant stop autoreset now. 


Yeah, I've added a pause button in the next update just for that reason lol.

I'll upload it as soon as I can.


I just noticed Nayn Cat's penultimate milestone. Great lol.

(4 edits) (+1)

I enjoyed the demo game and was wondering what the countdown timer was for. I wrongly assumed it was to do with ascend. So I read the comments when the demo ended and came here to continue my game. But now when I click, nothing happens, so I can't get a single karma point so the game is unplayable. 

Oh well. I loved your game. I am a fan of incremental clickers. 

It would be nice if upgrades could be categorised by character rather than just quick-buying everything for everyone.

EDIT: I see that you have done this in the full version.

I can't even start a new game as the local saves are automatically filled and can't be deleted. I could clear my browser cookies, but that would also reset other games I play on itch. And my phone is Android 10. Oh well.

I figured it out. I was using an autoclicker on the demo, but in the full game you actually stroke the cat rather than click it.


Hello and thank you for your comment!

I've changed the way "clicks" work, to be inline with the game's lore: click, hold and drag the mouse around, as if you were petting the cat.

And you can filter the upgrades in the shop by cat and category (power and speed), so you can get what you want easier!

If you have any more questions, I'll be happy to answer!

As always, have fun and stay healthy!

(2 edits) (+1)

Having sat by my PC for the last 24 hours with just a brief catnap, it's safe to say that I am finding this game purrfect.

The only issue I have with gameplay is the blessing which automates buying cat levels. It buys levels one-by-one rather than how they are selected with manual buying (milestone, in my case). Buying levels one by one is pretty useless and a waste of a blessing, in my opinion.

But you guys have pretty much thought of everything. The only thing that I think could be added, which would be something I think you could have fun with would be achievements (with or without rewards). 

There are virtually limitless options for what you can award an achievement for and the possibility of just a name or a long description/conversation attached to each one is there. I only mention this as you seem to be into the humour and the writing as much as the gaming.

I just remembered something else. Sometimes, but not always, there is a 10th level to the x3 multiplier favour.

Blessings is it, right? There isn't another layer of prestige waiting to pounce, is there?

Great game :)


Hello and thanks so much for your feedback!

I'll adjust the "auto buy levels" function accordingly, it makes more sense to work the same way the "level all cats button" does. This way you won't have spent a Blessing for nothing :D

Achievements would totally be a great addition, you are right! I'll have to think of a way on how to implement them, what kind of achievements there are and what kind of rewards they give you. 

About the "10th level bug", I'll look into it, usually the level cap is 9, as you might have noticed.

And yes, so far being blessed is the highest layer of prestige, but there is more to come, no worries!

I have already worked on adding more content and features, it will take some time to test it out and get it to work. In the meantime I hope you'll have fun with everything the game has to offer so far :)

I want to thank you again, feedback like this really helps so much.

In any way, have fun and stay healthy!

(1 edit) (+1)

Grammatical error in Jimmy Feline's max level speech.

Jimmy Feline: Well it hasn't become reality back then, since Mew York had been besieged by Genghis' army.


Could well have been a typo, what with S and D living next to each other.


Hey and thanks for pointing this out!

I've corrected it and it will be part of the next update.

If you want to start a new game, you can also go to Settings -> Misc and click Hard Reset.

But I think making the "New Game" button clickable in the Main Menu wouldn't hurt, either. I'll change that with the next update. :)


Despite some shortcomings, the game is good. Even though the game was in beta, I had a good time playing it. 

I'd like to collaborate on your game development if you need help with that. If you agree, where can I message you to discuss this, but if not, that's also fine

Hello and thanks for offering your assistance!

As of right now, all I really need is honest feedback. That way I can improve both on my own programming skills and on this game's quality.

A major update is already in the works, it just requires more testing and some artwork.

Thanks again and stay healthy! 

(1 edit) (+1)

About feedback.

When i was playing some thing wasn't feel right to me.

1) It was annoing to skip dialog that you already seen (for some reason when i reload page or go to secret minigame dialogs would show for second time). Button like skip all dialog would be helpfull

2) Make that when you have one "paw" or "friend" bought, first page that opens is upgrade page or even better dont reset selected page to first when opening the shop

3) Make all buttons pressable so you don't have to click a lot when reseting run (You press button and it will buy upgrages. it's pressed so you don't have to repeatedly click)

4) You can't pet cat when you hover over paw

Hello and thanks so much for your feedback!

1) Do you know what kind of dialogue is being replayed? Like what kind of lines, what character etc.

2) Yes, that makes more sense. I honestly don't know why I haven't thought of that myself lol. 

3) I didn't quite understand, but if I had to guess you would like a feature with what the "buy all" buttons (i.e. for cats and upgrades) can be held down so that you don't need to click it everytime. If that is what you mean, then that is another great idea! 

4) I probably know what the problem is. To be honest, I haven't noticed that while testing, but it shouldn't take long to fix that.

I will try to get these changes implemented ASAP. They will be part of the next major update I've already been working on. If all goes well, it should go live in the next few days, so stay tuned. :)

Your feedback is highly appreciated, QoL changes like these will increase user-friendliness by a lot!

As always, have fun and stay healthy!


1) All. After i got gift i checked minigame than i have to reload page because couldn't figure out how to exit from it. Game saved all progress but tutorial and all add "friends" dialogs was shown again. I played with disabled cookies maybe that's the problem.

3) Yes. That's what i meant 

Alright, I'll look into it. It's weird that all other progress is saved and loaded, but not which dialogue was already played.

Alright, I've looked into all of your remarks and found out the following:

1) There were a few bugs when checking for dialogue triggers. Dialogues should be played correctly now. If the problem persists, I will need more information on how to reproduce this bug.

2) Both shops have been revamped now. They should open the last tab that you were on (only during runtime, the tab won't be saved after you close the game) and I've made other changes to optimize the script. 

3) This feature isn't 100% reliable. I haven't found a way to make sure it works everytime, but it does work sometimes. I've made sure you can click and hold all "buy all" buttons of which there are a total of four and for every upgrade you can buy, meaning you don't need to click multiple times, when you can afford multiple levels of an upgrade, just click and hold.

4) I can't reproduce this bug, it seems to be working fine for me. Not sure what I did wrong.

All of these changes will come with the next major update, I'm already preparing and testing everything, it shouldn't take more than a few days.


is there a end goal

(1 edit)

Hello and great question!

So far, the end goal is to get a Centillion Karma (that's 10^303, so a really large number). As of right now, it is not possible to reach it, but with more content, features and other stuff, the dream to gain that much Karma will come closer.

Since this is a beta, there is still a lot that needs to be worked on. I hope this answers your question.

As a small teaser, there might be a different goal in the future.

As always, have fun and stay healthy!


for some reason i lost my easy buy button 

Hello and thank you for your feedback!

Which one do you mean, as there are 2 kinds. I guess you're talking about the one in the shop, right?

I think I need to do some testing to find out what happened here. Can you provide additional information, like a screenshot of your stats menu and the upgrades in the Favor tab?

Have fun and stay healthy!


found out you had moved it to the bottom instead of the top 

i prefered it at the top 

Oh okay, great! I thought I had messed up in a way. :D

I think I'll add an option to move it either to the top or bottom, since preferences are different with each individual.


Still love your game and look forward to future expansions.

Three small notes...

Sometimes you go negative when buying with “Buy Max”. (See screenshot) Maybe your formula is missing a -1 or there is a rounding problem.

The buy all button in the main UI would be more pleasant for me if it were under the purchase type selection (screenshot)

With the Gift prestige you lose the Favor Buy All button, which is a bit annoying because you then have to do everything manually again until the first Favor prestige.

But again: A wonderful game, great graphics and you can see the love you put into the development! Thank you for that!!


Hello and thanks again for your feedback and kind words!

I'm not sure what causes you bug with "Buy Max", but I'll look into it.

I've already moved the buy all button for leveling your cats below Manny, the cat in the middle. It's also a little bigger. This change will come with the next update, together with other, smaller changes to the UI.

About the "Buy all button", that you get for Favors: I think the best solution is to make this a permanent upgrade, so it won't get reset, once you've bought it. I'll work on it as soon as it can. :)

Thanks again, feedback like this is what improves the game's quality and gives me more incentive to put even more love into this and other projects.

Have fun and stay healthy!


I think it breaks if you choose anything other than training hall for your first gift purchase... I can't go back and buy stuff the normal way, it only seems to have gift purchase icons now. And since it is not autobuying Meowruto....

Hello and thank you for your feedback!

I'll look into it. Can you further describe the issue? What did you do beforehand, was there no button on the left hand side of the screen, etc.

I hope I'll get it fixed quickly.  Sorry for this bad experience.


I see the issue. As far as I can remember, I never found a button on the left side to switch back. It is possible I just missed it though. I can now see it and can switch back. Don't know if it is the update, or if it was just reloading the game that fixed it. Thank you for the response!

Hey, no problem!

Have fun and stay healthy!


Cute and well done.

Two issues: The cat's speech bubble blocks parts of the UI. Is there a way to deactivate it?

Clicking sometimes does nothing which is especially bad in the beginning where you have to click to advance. It works for one click in one spot but then that spot doesn't work and one has to search another one.

Hello and thank you for your feedback!

I'll make sure the speech bubble does not block the UI in any way. Can you provide a screenshot, so I can see what exactly is being blocked?

I assume when you're talking about "Clicking" you mean clicking the big cat in the middle, right? If so, what you need to do is click, hold and move your mouse, finger or whatever you are using in different directions. Just imagine you are really petting the cat.

If you find anything more, let me know.

Have fun and stay healthy!