0.4.2c - Mistakes were made Update

Hey there, 

patch nooooootes:

  • New Upgrades:
  • Role Models (Educated Upgrade): Converts some of your Devoted Disciples to Educated Disciples (3 per Level + 1% per Level), costs 270 Devoted Disciples
  • Bodybuilders (Buffed Up Upgrade): Converts some of your Devoted Disciples to Buffed Up Disciples (3 per Level + 1% per Level), costs 270 Devoted Disciples

  • Balance Changes:
  • "Notebook" and "Training Set" both have had their Costfactor reduced from 9 to 3
  • "Bigger Classrooms" and "Dumbbells" now cost 99 instead of 999 E.D./B.D.
  • "Karma Cadets", "Favor Fanatics", "Gifted Graduates", "Blessed Brood", "Diehard Disciples", "Book of Law", "Blueprints", "Textbooks" and "VR Course" have had their max Level increased from 3 to 9

  • QoL Changes:
  • Most Upgrades now display their effect per Level and the maximum effect they will have after upgrading
  • Changed up the texts that are displayed in the Stats Menu for Devotion Upgrades a little

  • Misc:
  • The button that needs to be clicked to unlock the Achievement "Curiosity kills the Cat" has been made more visible

  • Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed a bug where you could devote more Disciples than you currently have, resulting in negative numbers of Disciples afterwards
  • Fixed a bug where the Stats Menu didn't show the correct value of the Workshop's Bonus

Have fun and stay healthy!

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